JT Sports Elite Headshield Single Mask Review

Have you ever heard of the slogan you are as young as you feel? We at JT sports elite head shield single mask believe in growing young each day.

Outdoor games and relaxing is just what the doctor ordered to keep you rejuvenated, stress free and growing young and to be able to go for outdoor games you need to be well equipped.

Most of us have a lot of questions when it comes to paintball gears, to all users it’s essential to know that the most important gears are the mask and goggles.

They are essential since it helps protects your head hence the need to choose the right gear. How do you as a user know that you choose the right gears?

Before any gear is distributed in the market, they are subjected to thorough testing to see if they are safe to be released to the markets.

If they are seen to be fit then players are allowed to use them.

We believe the following mask is favorable and safe for players since it not only gives you a cutting edge look as a player it’s also made for your comfort and safety.



This mask offers its users 180 field vision, if you think that’s all it has a new style that gives its players a cutting edge look.

The masks visor plans is outstanding making this gear an all weather condition type of gear, which is also in cooperated with a fog resistant lens which provides clear vision.

Its structures stand out from the rest since it’s very flexible to provide safety and comfort for its users.


When asking most players what they liked most about the JT sports elite single mask most said they liked the lower strap that held the mask firmly in place.

This made it stand out since most masks are made with elastic straps and after a while the elastic wears out but this is not the case with this paintball mask.

Why pay extra cash for just any mask? The masks pricing is affordable and customer friendly and this seemed to please most of the customers.

Most were impressed that the mask had good visibility to top that off it has great ventilation ad allows all players a low profile, if that’s not enough it looks cool.

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